International moving is a fun and exciting experience. Whether this has been thoroughly planned out or a spur-of-the-moment transition, we would love to help you. Changes in life can come up in the blink of an eye. If you are looking to make an international move from NYC to Denmark, we would love to help you.
You Can Trust Sea & Air International

Choosing companies to hire for international moving services is an important decision you make. You want to feel comfortable with the company that you choose and not add any extra stress to your move. Sea & Air International has the employees to help you and ones that you can trust with an important task such as this.
From the very beginning when you leave NYC to the very end when we unpack you in Denmark, we will be there for you. Our team is always there to answer your questions and give you the advice that you need. There are so many steps involved in this process, and we will help you to fully understand everything that needs to be done.
We Have The Experience You Need
Sea and Air International have the experience that you need for a successful international move to Denmark. There are items you are not allowed to bring with you, ones you need permission to bring, and documents you need to obtain before moving. We can help you make sure you are aware of everything and have it all in order before moving day.
Some of the information that you need before you make your international move to Denmark is:
- You Need Proper Documents Such As A Passport, Bill of Lading, Packing List In English, Detailed Inventory, and More
- You Need Proper Pet Records Such As Rabies Vaccination Records and Veterinary Health Certificates
- You Need To Know Specific Information About Pets, Such As Health Certificate Needs To Be Obtained Within 30 Days of Entering The Country, Documentation Must Be Present With the Animal Through Transportation Process, and More
- You Need Documentation For Motor Vehicles Such As Registration, Insurance Card, and Bill of Lading
- You Need To Know Specific Information About Motor Vehicles, Such As Registration and Insurance Cards that Need To Be Submitted To Customs, The Vehicle Needs To Be Reported Within The First 30 Days of Being There, and More
- You Need To Know All Prohibited, Restricted, and Dutiable Items Prior To Entering Denmark To Avoid Trouble Entering
Ask Us Questions
If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Call us at any time to get the information that you need. A few of the common ones people ask are listed below.
Can I Move To Denmark Without A Job?
If you are making a permanent move to Denmark, the requirement is to find a job if you are staying longer than 3 months.
How Much Do International Moving Services Cost?
The cost of moving services for an international move will vary. It will depend on where you are going and the number of items you are bringing with you. For more information about the costs, you can contact us.
Contact Us For Help
When you are ready to make an appointment to schedule your international move to Denmark, contact Sea & Air International. It would be our pleasure to be the company that you trust with this big change in your life. We look forward to talking with you.
Customs Information
The following may not be imported: Narcotics, medicine, firearms, and ammunition (unless licensed by the Danish Ministry of Justice), live plants (unless license granted by the Danish Governmental Plant Protection Service based on a certificate from authorities at the origin that plants are free from disease), and live, dead or pre-manufactured parts of animals that are mentioned in the Washington Convention (unless license granted by Danish Nature Conservancy Board).
Duty is not applied in the following instances:
Household Goods (They can be imported irrespectively of quantity and value by all intending residents provided that:)
- They have been owned and used for a minimum of six months (from EU countries, only 3 months) and still are intended for the owner’s use.
- Danes returning home must have had residence abroad min. twelve months (EU countries min. six months).
Exceptions from duty-free household goods are:
Any quantities of wine, spirits, or tobacco included in a household goods shipment must be declared and will attract duties and VAT. The general regulation is that customs will accept a maximum of 10 liters of spirits, 20 liters of fortified wine not exceeding 22% volume, and 90 liters of wine, of which max. 60 liters may be sparkling wine and 110 liters of beer as part of a household goods shipment only. Larger quantities are considered commercial imports and can only be imported by licensed importers unless authorization has been obtained from the local customs office.
As the number of duties and taxes are based on the value of the wine, spirit, or tobacco, it is impossible to indicate a general level of duties. Please note that Danish Customs does not distinguish between opened and unopened bottles. All bottles will attract full taxes and duties.
Cars, motorbikes, airplanes, caravans, pleasure crafts, and motor trailers can be imported duty-free if in the owner’s possession and registered abroad for a minimum of 6 months, but the registration tax must be paid in any case – and is very high!
Documents required:
- Inventory.
- Documentation that the moving person has been a resident abroad for min. 12 months (in EEC- countries, only 6 months.)
- Certificate from authorities abroad, employer, or the like.
- Registration certificate (for vehicles)
- Green insurance card – third party (for vehicles)
Personal belongings of diplomats employed with foreign missions in Denmark can be entered free of duty and customs examination if the local mission issues a franchise.
Can be imported free of duty when the consignee can certify to be an intestate successor either by will or lawyer’s legalization of inventory.
Can be imported provided to following documents are available, a Health certificate, not more than 1-month-old, and a Rabies certificate between 1 and 12 months old. The owner must have resided abroad for min.12 months, and the effects must have been owned for min. 6 months. The secondary residence must be owned or rented for at least 24 months, and the effects not be rented nor sold for a period of 24 months from the import date. If the above regulation is not met, import duties will apply (25% of declared insurance value).
Visitors not taking residence in Denmark cannot import household goods free of duty
Making a false or misleading statement to the Authorities is an offense and may involve heavy penalties. Drug trafficking is against the law, and severe penalties apply.
Important: This information is intended for general guidance. Sea & Air International cannot, however, take responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any loss or damage that may occur from its use. As such, it is advisable to contact the nearest Australian customs office for full and current information prior to importation.